That may change in the future (As long as copyright is not an issue).
Here are all of my sprites so far (I'm tired of posting them all on different places so I'm just going to link to here from now on. It's a lot easier)...
Every sprite has a story, and every story is a tale worth telling. They are in no particular order.
Coraline (The Sims 2 GBA)
I actually have an entire sheet of Coraline. I also have a spinning button and a spinning key that I made. Coraline is one of my favorite movies so of course I was going to make a sprite of her. I actually started this sprite out with my own custom style, facing down but unfortunately it just looked too unreal. I later found a screenshot of the Sims 2 for the GBA and realized that that was what I wanted my sprite to look like. The walking animation is bad, unfortunately and will half to be revised later in the year. It is currently my only sprite that is in a sheet with other animations (excluding the button and the key.)
Goku (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Goku was made for a friend of mine who is a major Final Fantasy fan, and a hardcore DBZ fan... or is it the other way around? In any case, I made this for him as a present. it wasn't his birthday or anything but it was something I felt I should do. I took a squire, re-drew him and voila, Goku. The hair was the hard part. Although I did have a model to work with, Goku's hair was something that is hard to envision at an angle. I may not have got it right, but my philosophy- whatever works, works.
Manie (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Manie is one of the most creative characters I've come up with. She's typically styled to be a Vegas dancer and originates from Casino Night Zone, rather she actually originates from the Casino Arena in Sonic the Fighters. She's got a face mask and a glowing necklace like the ones you find on Halloween. It's actually a special glowing ring that was given to her before the Vegas scene. Her shoes are a bit shorter than Sonic's and are green. Her spines go straight back and there are a total of three big ones and two smaller ones. She originally had a green face rather than skin colored but I found it too bright. She went under six revisions to for me to finally come up with this: her final look. Her sprite sheet only has a few anims but it should be done by the end of the year.
Nathan Graves Edit (Castlevania OoE)
This isn't an edit of the original sprite (right) as you can tell, but it is an edit of the character style. I took Nathan Graves one day and, noticing him being smaller than Shanoa off of Ecclesia, I decided to test my abilities and make Nathan bigger, badder, and more detailed. I started with the hair, and hardly anything for a model. Shanoa is a girl and doesn't have the man defining features that Nathan does, like his chest or broad shoulders. I used the Apothecary from Ecclesia for a perspective on his head but the rest I followed on my own intuition. I finished earlier than I had interpreted and was rather proud of the final design. Since I didn't like the original's cloth, I used Shanoa's as an example to "re-design" it, now instead of being curved, it's more rectangular and seems heavier to the character. It took me roughly an hour and a half to complete the whole design.
Quizzical (Custom)
Quizzical actually doesn't have a name yet. I just call him that because it was written on the paper that was given to me. I made this for a friend who actually created him. He handed me a drawing with him on it and I got to work. He's a very very strange creature and at first I really didn't know how to start. He bounces on a ball on top of a crystal... has a strange pyramid head, and has a quiz board on his lap. Also his arms are skeletal, which was really hard to get quite right at first. But in the end I pulled through, the friend was pleased save for a few details and I walked about a couple bucks richer. This actually isn't the final design. On black and white paper it's really hard to tell when somebody wants color and what it should be. His pants eventually ended up changing to white and light blues, shoes were one blue and one red, and as for his head... well it turns out that the helmet I gave him was supposed to be rainbow fire. Oh well, everyone makes mistakes. At least I got most of it the first time... right?
Reggie (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Reggie is the third character I invented and although he turned out cool... he wasn't always the bad boy he is now. It all started with a school project to show people how to do something in a presentation. Naturally, I chose "How to Make a Sprite." It started off good, I was able to make his head... body... but I didn't have enough time to make his hair, so he was left bald naming him a genderless anomaly. Then we got to the feet when my class suggested I give him high heels. Thus became "Reggie" the bald cross-dressing hedgehog. I actually didn't name him until later... that is after I made some revisions. I gave him spiky hair, no model of course, and made his shoes a bit more appropriate, and well cool. Reggie is now a speed demon with cool shows. To further his "coolness" I've been contemplating whether or not to give him an earring. This of course would also be one of the special rings, unofficially dubbed the "Tiny Ring."
Shenra (Pokemon)
First off let me get one thing straight. While it 'does' say Pokemon, Shenra is by no means 'a' Pokemon. It just shares the style. Shenra is another creation by my friend, the same one who invented quizzical. He came to me in the same day with a very detailed picture of the thing, and again with no color. Fortunately for me, he actually praised my choice of blue because that's what he was thinking was well. He also commented that the stump actually looked like a stump and I did good on that part.... I don't see it, ha ha. The only thing I got wrong is the eyebrows... which contrary to his drawing ability, are actually supposed to be leaves hanging off of vines. I redid the sprite in his presence and he found it to be acceptable. I was paid and all was well in the kingdom. Just as a note though I like the eyebrows better than the leaves.
Spaceship (Custom)
This spaceship is just one of entire armada of different spaceships that I created, all of the same style. I'd like to put them all here, but I think this one gets they style and point across rather well. It's not only the very first 'spaceship' I made, it's also the very first 'sprite' I made. I know, aren't I talented? What makes this sprite even more special is that I had never sprited before and I had no idea what I was doing. I was just drawing. I made it with my own style, my own design, and that being said, no model or previous sprite to work with. I didn't even edit it after I was done. I just created it, called it good, and moved on to the next one. In other words it's probably unique in the aspect that I didn't so much as have to tweak it even a little. And 'that' I'm proud of... too bad i can't do that now ha ha.
Stanley (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Stanley, I feel, would be better represented as a cartoon character. He's got this personality of determination and a side of being funny that can't be represented in a game. Although I do think I captured that "comical" style rather well in his shoes. They make him seem less serious, but his expression tells you he's all business. He is actually my very first character design that I came up with and I have to say; he came out rather good. His ears are bigger than Sonic's, he's about a foot shorter, and although tails already took the position, I think that Stanley would make a great sidekick for Sonic. Good friend, good person, determined and has the attitude necessary to get things done.
Terrain (Isometric)
The terrain looks good, but in reality it's probably one of my worst sprites yet. I'm not saying that because I think it looks bad or it wouldn't work well with anything else, no. I'm saying that because I probably didn't spend nearly enough time on it as I should have. I'm not saying that all sprites should take a lot of time to make, because I know you think I am. What I am saying though, is that how I made it is strange and I'm not really sure that that's how a sprite should be made. I literally randomly dotted pixels until it looked decent. I also used to do this when I made hair for characters. It did look good... but can I really say that they're worth more than the time I put in?
Left 4 Dead Witch (Castlevania OoE)
The witch is probably 'the' coolest of all of my sprites. This was actually a spur of the moment thing. One day I said; I wanna make a sprite of a witch, and so I did. This is my second sprite to use Shanoa from Ecclesia as a model, only this time, I used her as a full model. I took the pose of her sitting down (I honestly cannot remember when that was used in game... maybe when she was dying?), made the hair longer, used gray skin, did a little work around the breast (know what I'm saying?), and gave her some brutal claws. Voila, the witch. Something about this sprite just really makes me wanna jump up and say, damn you guys should really check this out! Ha ha although when they do, they don't care all too much. So much for modesty, right?
That's all the sprites i have right now, hope you guys enjoyed looking at them and reading the stories behind them. I'll add to the list as it grows but for right now, just go ahead and comment on my great work (Modesty ftl!). Catch ya later!